Easily manage location visibility in LocalClarity, including hiding and activating locations.
Managing location visibility (hiding and unhiding locations) in the LocalClarity platform is a simple process. This is important when a location is disconnected, a duplicate, or no longer in business, and you would like to no longer see it in the platform.
Location Controls
To manage your locations, head to Settings, Authorize Account. From there you will see an orange button 'Location Controls' in the top right corner.
Once in Location Controls, there are four tabs:
- Visible-Your locations that are showing in the platform.
- Hidden-Locations you have previously hidden.
- Suppressed-Locations that have been reported (often for duplicates) and removed within Google.
- Platform Only
To hide location(s), head to the Visible tab and select the location or locations you wish to hide. Then select Action, Hide Locations.
It will take a few minutes for the request to process (depending on the number of locations being hidden). Once hidden you can find the newly Hidden locations under the Hidden tab. If a location was hidden by mistake, simply select it within the Hidden tab, then Action, and select Activate Locations.
Status is a field you can sort by, where the blue checkmark means the location is Google Verified, and the red plug means the location is disconnected. Sorting by status is useful if you wanted to Hide all disconnected locations.
For additional questions, please contact [email protected]