Set up notifications for new or updated Google Q&A's via LocalClarity's Automation Center.
Using LocalClarity's Automation Center, you can trigger notifications for when a new Question or Answer is added (or updated) to a Google Business Profile listing. The following article will break down how to set the automations up to keep you ahead of the public when it comes to Q&A's.
First, head to the ReviewsInbox™. In the top right corner, select the Automate button to open up the Automation Center:
Once in, create the Automation by following these steps/triggers:
- When a Google Q&A is received,
- And contains new question and new answer. These are two of the four choices, hypothetically you could select all four in one automation.
- Then notify the user: select User.
- Create Automation.
Now, based on how the Automation was set-up, the User(s) will be notified every time the Q&A criteria is met. Users can create different automations for different locations, groups, or scenarios. Remember that the public can respond to Q&A questions, so make sure to stay one step ahead and control your locations' answers.
For additional questions, contact [email protected].