Yes, we highly recommend users to set up bi or tri-weekly syncs in their profile as soon as they get started.
Yes, we highly recommend users of LocalClarity to set up bi or tri-weekly syncs in their profile as soon as they get started. Doing so is important for many reasons but ultimately it allows users to stay up to date with their Google location listing information. Without a regular sync established, you could have a location become disconnected and not know about it until weeks later.
Setting up Sync
Once your Google Authorized connection is established, head to Settings-Profile Settings. From here you use the multi-select dropdown to pick the days of the week you want the sync to run. A recommended schedule is Monday-Wednesday-Saturday as that ensures nothing falls through the cracks for too long. Hit Create and your sync is good to go.
Settings-Profile Settings-Weekly Sync
Now your Google listing information will be regularly synced into the platform, making sure nothing is missed. For additional support, contact [email protected].