With Google making core update's to its own algorithm, it is important to see how other companies are envisioning a new search landscape. In an early preview of SearchGPT, Open AI's alternative to Google, users were able to see the key differences firsthand and the implications of having AI driven search results.
SearchGPT can generate responses while linking back to the original web content, ensuring transparency and reliability, rather than providing a summary with minimal or singular sourcing. The biggest take away is how queries in SearchGPT are far more conversational due to OpenAI's natural language processing capabilities. This can pose issues for marketers who will have to have an in-depth understanding of key topics and questions users are searching with to create content that fits into these searches.
However, SearchGPT still values premium, relevant content that is up to date. Regularly updating and maintaining relevant information still is one of the best drivers for more traffic and engagement on your website.