Create unique recipe combinations of filters and actions to save hours each month.
In the ReviewsInbox™, the Automate feature is designed to save time and easily perform tasks that would be very time consuming to do manually. For example, in the ReviewsInbox section of the platform, you can assign a user to a specific review by selecting the review, clicking the person icon, and selected User to assign review to, as shown below.
That is great for manual one-offs, but what if you want to assign reviews automatically? That is where the Automated workflows comes into play. Locate the Automate Module in the top right corner of the ReviewsInbox, as shown below.
The Automate feature is a series of If-Then statements that are customizable for many different use cases. Once inside the Automate module, you can review existing workflows and create new ones.
To continue the example, let's say you have a user, in this case James, that manages one of your locations. If the user James is supposed to respond to every review for their assigned location you would set it to:
When a {review} is {received}, and only if {location} is {ABCD Car Service} then {assign a user} {James Hagedorn} then {notify} user {James Hagedorn}.
This statement will make it so the user James is assigned any new review for that specific location, and t also notified within the LocalClarity platform (to notify by email, please use Report Management).
Hopefully this example shows the workflow of setting up Automations, but let's break down every possible setting.
When a {Review}:
Options: Review; Google listing edit (The first choice has two options that lead to two very different paths. Let's start with Review, and then break down Google listing edits more fully).
is {received} + and only if {star rating; comment; geography; location; store code; account; group; source; language}
There are 9 "and only if" to choose from, each creating it's own unique if-then scenarios. Let's go over the most common one, star rating: and only if {star rating} {equals; less than; greater than} {1 star; 2 star; 3 star; 4 star; 5 star}.
This is useful to assign or notify a user of negative reviews (less than 3 stars typically) or positive reviews (greater than 3 stars typically). The system allows for up to 5 "and only if" per automation.
This is not common automation recipe, but an expanded recipe would look something like this:
Once this is complete there is the downwards arrow and the following: then {assign tag group; assign team; assign a status; notify; assign a user; assign a tag}.
The most common choices here are notify, assign a user, and assign a tag.
The system allows a maximum of 3 then statements in a single automation. Your Review automation is now ready to be created.
When a {Google listing edit} is {received} + and only if {geography; location; group; account; store code; suggested edit; source}
Remember there can be edits done by the public, sometimes in good faith, sometimes nefariously to your listings. Commonly, accounts will either mass accept or mass reject updates, so these "and only if" statements are less common, but these can be useful to put these decisions in the hands of your local decision makers. The two most common uses here are location and suggested edit.
Suggested edit lets you specify specific Google edits to be notified on:
{suggested edit} is {website Url; additionalPhones: attributes; storeCode; labels; locationName; regularHours; specialHours; address; profile; primaryCategory}
After selecting the specific criteria, there is the downwards arrow and: then {auto-reject update; auto-accept update; notify}
Choose either to automatically accept or reject any of the defined Google edits, and then you have the option to notify a User as well. There are so many different ways to take Automations. Once created all of your Automations will show up in the Automation Center, where you can toggle Automations on/off, edit, duplicate, or delete. Automate away!
For additional help, contact [email protected].